At the beginning of each chapter in the book quotes from various sources are listed. I really liked this one by James Emery White:
Struggle with God is the essence of relationship with God.
I've never been the kind of Christian who prays elaborate, poetic prayers, or reads her bible nightly, or lives with unshaken belief. I don't particularly enjoy listening to sermons, and singing as a group activity is something I'll never understand. I don't even enjoy arguing about beliefs. If I could rewrite the definition of apologetics I'd replace arguments with questions that don't give rise to easy answers, battling bibles with our favourite drinks (alcoholic or otherwise ;) ), and the counter-arguments for *insert hot topic here* with the comfortable ease of old friendships.
Sometimes I believe. Sometimes I doubt. Sometimes I don't even have enough of a belief to reach any sort of opinion at all on the topic at hand. It was refreshing to read a quote from someone who doesn't think that living in the gray area makes me a "lukewarm" or "immature" Christian.
Labels: Theology
I agree, I think someone who is lukewarm doesn't care. I can care deeply and out of that caring can come doubt, lack of discipline, and honest wrestling. It's important to be authentic. I think that God dislikes it much more when we're deceptive about our hearts than when we're being our authentic self