In my ministry / relational interactions . . ." on the street" research lately I have been running into a lot more wafer thin theology among devote Christians. (Like if you poke a stick at it, (MAYBE) it could collapse like a bubble gum bubble.) For instance, one guy... I'll call him Bazooka Joe, explained that experience precedes (or overshadows) theology. For his faith walk with Jesus this is the deal. No distinction could be made for anybody's experience in a spiritual sense, good or bad. He didn't want to determine what that was, b/c who's to say? It becomes individual, if not almost arbitrary to sort that out, he seemed to think.
I thought about this, but then something didn't seem to quite fit, so we interacted a bit him more. When I asked him about his conversion from atheism, and if that experience would then have more weight, he admitted, logically it couldn't, of course, based on what he said, and what he believed to be accurate about experience.
So experience is. . .well, not like Theology.
How does Theology fit into experience, and experience into Theology?
or for you, does one inform the other?
discuss. . . .
: )
Labels: Christianity, Emerging Church, Theology, Women in Ministry
Interesting ... I would like to explore this more with you. The encounter is a bit too sketchy, but I will throw this out.
Theology can be had without experience and experience can be had without theology. So Bazooka Joe was right, if I am reading your story well enough.