I ask because I'm becoming less and less certain of my beliefs. Most days, I'm relatively sure that there is *something* out there...but not always. And often I can't say whether that *something* is God as we think of him/her. I just don't know. Strangely, this isn't a disturbing thing to me in most situations. Although it can become a little awkward when other Christians attempt to convince me of X by pointing out bible verses or saying, "the church teaches...."
To me, those sort of arguments are beginning to make about as much sense as attempting to prove that Santa exists because his name was on some of the presents under Johnny and Sarah's Christmas tree last December. ;)
Labels: Spiritual Formation, Theology
Wouldn't presume to tell you what you might be going through, or how to get where you think you might be going. For what it's worth, thanks for sharing a little of the ambiguity and your peace with it.