Please hear my delight! So glad to be here in this company of women. I'll say a bit to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Sensuous Wife. I started my blog because I needed a place to put some stuff while it was fresh from my heart and without everything I write having to wait ages for the whole query letter>agent>book deal process. That waiting game has been a real character-builder lemme tell you! I just wanted to get some of my stuff OUT THERE for my own emotional health (can you say need an outlet?) and because I sincerely believe that what Jesus has done in my life is good and that other women could be encouraged by my journey. What I didn't anticipate was this. I thought I was starting this blog to help uptight Christian girls like me to loosen up and enjoy their husbands. And I think that is happening. What I didn't anticipate was God giving me opportunities to befriend women who are expressing their sexuality online in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable. There are so many refused spouses displaying their nude womanhood online hoping someone will find them appealing. Jesus allowed me to see the invisible sign hanging around everyone's neck that says "validate me" and my heart just broke. Because there but for the grace of God go I. And I remembered something I heard in a sermon yeaarrrs ago which was "evangelism is like one homeless person telling another homeless person where to get a good meal" So I've been befriending women and being overwhelmed again with gratitude for all God has brought me out of. And I don't believe I'm the only woman whose heart and sexuality Jesus wants to heal. Do you?
So here's the emerging part. The more healed and free and happy and alive I got over the course of years, the less welcome I felt at my church. Marginalized, patronized, benched, whatever you want to call it. Which just boggled my mind. Like why would they want to hide or silence Exhibit G of the grace of God triumphing over so much abuse and pain? So we left. Delighted Husband and I are a few weeks in to our search for a new church home. And we're really asking God to lead us because we (my Delighted Husband and I) so want to offer our hearts to love others and offer what Jesus has done in our own lives and our marriage, and we also really want to be fed relevant teaching and be able to lose ourself in worship. Tall order? I know. But we think it's worth waiting for. So yeah, I'm emerging. :) So I tap tap tapped on the window, and Julie smiled and welcomed me in. So hi everybody!
-SWLabels: Community, Sexuality, Women in Ministry
you should read the book "sheet music" by kevin lehman if you haven't already (play on the word sheet).
it's a great book on sex (and a little more) for married couples!