As we wrap up the year, I would love to hear what sort of things you all would like to see for Emerging Women (on the blog or otherwise) in the upcoming year. Suggestions for activities, blog series, book discussions? What could we do to serve you better?
And to end the year with a bit of fun, I'm including a list of interesting search results that land people on this blog. There are of course typical google searches that land people here, but these stood out to me in their unique, strange, and disturbing ways. For some I can't quite understand how they brought people here and for others I wonder what possessed someone to google that in the first place. Anyway, I found it amusing. I've added my comments on a few in italics.
"negative stay at home dad"
"how to stop seeking approval be honest"
"emerging church medical marijuana"
"pastor likes to watch me breastfeed"
"woman who like being gluttons"
"christian statistics lust bra straps"
"what james dobson thinks of the book eat, pray, love by elizabeth gilbert" because he does my thinking for me...
"ads of strong women seeking sissy males"
"emerging supernatural woman"
"encouraging the feminine side for my sissy son"
"god created men stronger than women heart wise"
"the women who got burned by aliens" ummm...
"why beer is not meant for women"
"emerging women 7 ups for christ"
"god im growing a second butt"
"looking for appreciation poems for pastors wives"
"sermons on why God created women" why, could you not come up with a good reason on your own?
"what god thinks women should act like within a relationship"
"husband wife switch bodies"
"should a christian woman show cleavage for an evening function?" because Google will give you the right answer...
"what makes you think about those things" Because Google can read your mind when you are really vague
"man but not women is made in the image and likeness of god"
"red wine vinegar pimples"
"2007 50 sexist woman" I assume they intended to type "sexiest", but I had to laugh
"a peaceful meaningful pagan christmas"
"can a hostess throw a person off a airplane" hostess???
"advice expectation from a submissive woman from a master"
"laws prohibiting women from eating chocolate in public" this is just scary
"names of women who have done something great in 2007"
and (Jemila) just so you know, the top three keyword searches that land people here are 1. Emerging Women, 2. Emergent Women, and 3. Butt Sex.
Labels: Blog Stuff
You are soooo kidding!! BUTT SEX????
that is humiliating.
I need a paper bag ...
What is the world coming to ... butt sex ... I must be getting old now. And tired. That just sucks.